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Flying Cargo Ship


Команда форума
Премиум аккаунт на 7 дней
Black разместил(а) новый ресурс:

Flying Cargo Ship - Летающий грузовой корабль представляет новый игровой опыт, с грузовым судном, парящим в небесах.

В Flying Cargo Ship представлен новый игровой процесс: грузовой корабль парит в небе под охраной противовоздушных турелей. Игроки должны отключить эту защиту, встретившись лицом к лицу с неигровыми персонажами в центре управления, где они также могут найти карту воздуха, дающую доступ на нижнюю палубу корабля.

Посмотреть вложение 1831

Центр управления

Центр управления появляется у случайного памятника и охраняется неигровыми персонажами. Внутри есть кнопка для отключения...

Посмотреть страницу этого ресурса...
Карго просто спаниться и все,плагин нпсспавн есть,на самом карго нет шаров и оповещений в чате
При загрузки ошибка
Error while compiling FlyingCargoShip: 'PhoneController' does not contain a definition for 'PositionToGridCoord' | Line: 896, Pos: 86
Ошибка при компиляции FlyingCargoShip: 'PhoneController' не содержит определения для 'PositionToGridCoord' | Строка: 896, позиция: 86
плагин стартанул, протестирую, пока всё работает, спасибо админу!!!


  • Снимок экрана (38).png
    Снимок экрана (38).png
    99,7 КБ · Просмотры: 3
  • Снимок экрана (39).png
    Снимок экрана (39).png
    88,4 КБ · Просмотры: 3
плагин стартанул, протестирую, пока всё работает, спасибо админу!!!

"Schedule event": true,

  "Time between events (minutes)": 60,

  "Event duration (minutes)": 40,

  "Time before ship leaves after all crates have been looted (seconds)": 300,

  "Time before radiation when ship is leaving (seconds)": 30,

  "Require Air Card to access loot on the ship": true,

  "Air card display name": "Air Card",

  "Double NPC count on ship": false,

  "Flying cargo ship map marker text (max. 20 characters)": "Flying Cargo Ship",

  "Flying cargo ship map marker color": "#33ECFB",

  "Enable control center": true,

  "Control center destroy time (seconds)": 300,

  "Control center NPC count": 8,

  "Control center map marker text (max. 20 characters)": "Cargo Control Center",

  "Control center map marker color": "#33ECFB",

  "Spawn control center at monuments": false,

  "Custom chat prefix": null,

  "Ship loot configuration": {

    "IMPORTANT NOTICE": "The maximum total crate count is 21. If the crate count in the config is higher, excess crates will be ignored, starting at the lowest tier",

    "Locked crate count (total crate count shold be less than or equal to 21)": 4,

    "Elite crate count (total crate count shold be less than or equal to 21)": 4,

    "Military crate count (total crate count shold be less than or equal to 21)": 6,

    "Normal crate count (total crate count shold be less than or equal to 21)": 7,

    "Locked crate loot table": {

      "Enabled": true,

      "Item list": [


          "Short name": "scrap",

          "Min amount": 10,

          "Max amount": 100,

          "Chance (1 = 100%)": 1.0,

          "Skin id": 0,

          "Custom name": ""



          "Short name": "metal.refined",

          "Min amount": 10,

          "Max amount": 25,

          "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.6,

          "Skin id": 0,

          "Custom name": ""



          "Short name": "lmg.m249",

          "Min amount": 1,

          "Max amount": 1,

          "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.05,

          "Skin id": 0,

          "Custom name": ""



          "Short name": "rifle.l96",

          "Min amount": 1,

          "Max amount": 1,

          "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.1,

          "Skin id": 0,

          "Custom name": ""



          "Short name": "",

          "Min amount": 1,

          "Max amount": 1,

          "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.2,

          "Skin id": 0,

          "Custom name": ""



          "Short name": "rifle.bolt",

          "Min amount": 1,

          "Max amount": 1,

          "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.2,

          "Skin id": 0,

          "Custom name": ""



          "Short name": "smg.mp5",

          "Min amount": 1,

          "Max amount": 1,

          "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.3,

          "Skin id": 0,

          "Custom name": ""



          "Short name": "smg.thompson",

          "Min amount": 1,

          "Max amount": 1,

          "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.3,

          "Skin id": 0,

          "Custom name": ""



          "Short name": "pistol.prototype17",

          "Min amount": 1,

          "Max amount": 1,

          "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.4,

          "Skin id": 0,

          "Custom name": ""



          "Short name": "metal.facemask.icemask",

          "Min amount": 1,

          "Max amount": 1,

          "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.15,

          "Skin id": 0,

          "Custom name": ""



          "Short name": "metal.plate.torso.icevest",

          "Min amount": 1,

          "Max amount": 1,

          "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.15,

          "Skin id": 0,

          "Custom name": ""



          "Short name": "explosives",

          "Min amount": 10,

          "Max amount": 20,

          "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.2,

          "Skin id": 0,

          "Custom name": ""



          "Short name": "explosive.timed",

          "Min amount": 1,

          "Max amount": 2,

          "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.1,

          "Skin id": 0,

          "Custom name": ""



          "Short name": "ammo.rocket.basic",

          "Min amount": 1,

          "Max amount": 3,

          "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.1,

          "Skin id": 0,

          "Custom name": ""



          "Short name": "ammo.rocket.seeker",

          "Min amount": 1,

          "Max amount": 3,

          "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.1,

          "Skin id": 0,

          "Custom name": ""



          "Short name": "ammo.rocket.mlrs",

          "Min amount": 1,

          "Max amount": 2,

          "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.1,

          "Skin id": 0,

          "Custom name": ""



          "Short name": "aiming.module.mlrs",

          "Min amount": 1,

          "Max amount": 2,

          "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.6,

          "Skin id": 0,

          "Custom name": ""



          "Short name": "rocket.launcher",

          "Min amount": 1,

          "Max amount": 1,

          "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.15,

          "Skin id": 0,

          "Custom name": ""



          "Short name": "homingmissile.launcher",

          "Min amount": 1,

          "Max amount": 1,

          "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.15,

          "Skin id": 0,

          "Custom name": ""




    "Elite crate loot table": {

      "Enabled": false,

      "Item list": []


    "Military crate loot table": {

      "Enabled": false,

      "Item list": []


    "Normal crate loot table": {

      "Enabled": false,

      "Item list": []


    "NPC loot table": {

      "Enabled": true,

      "Item list": [


          "Short name": "parachute",

          "Min amount": 1,

          "Max amount": 1,

          "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.3,

          "Skin id": 0,

          "Custom name": ""



          "Short name": "ammo.shotgun",

          "Min amount": 4,

          "Max amount": 8,

          "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.2,

          "Skin id": 0,

          "Custom name": ""



          "Short name": "",

          "Min amount": 4,

          "Max amount": 8,

          "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.2,

          "Skin id": 0,

          "Custom name": ""



          "Short name": "ammo.shotgun.slug",

          "Min amount": 4,

          "Max amount": 8,

          "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.2,

          "Skin id": 0,

          "Custom name": ""



          "Short name": "ammo.pistol",

          "Min amount": 15,

          "Max amount": 30,

          "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.2,

          "Skin id": 0,

          "Custom name": ""



          "Short name": "ammo.pistol.hv",

          "Min amount": 15,

          "Max amount": 30,

          "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.2,

          "Skin id": 0,

          "Custom name": ""



          "Short name": "",

          "Min amount": 15,

          "Max amount": 30,

          "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.2,

          "Skin id": 0,

          "Custom name": ""



          "Short name": "ammo.rifle",

          "Min amount": 12,

          "Max amount": 24,

          "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.2,

          "Skin id": 0,

          "Custom name": ""



          "Short name": "ammo.rifle.hv",

          "Min amount": 12,

          "Max amount": 24,

          "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.2,

          "Skin id": 0,

          "Custom name": ""



          "Short name": "ammo.rifle.incendiary",

          "Min amount": 12,

          "Max amount": 24,

          "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.2,

          "Skin id": 0,

          "Custom name": ""



          "Short name": "syringe.medical",

          "Min amount": 1,

          "Max amount": 2,

          "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.2,

          "Skin id": 0,

          "Custom name": ""



          "Short name": "bandage",

          "Min amount": 1,

          "Max amount": 3,

          "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.3,

          "Skin id": 0,

          "Custom name": ""



          "Short name": "largemedkit",

          "Min amount": 2,

          "Max amount": 6,

          "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.1,

          "Skin id": 0,

          "Custom name": ""



          "Short name": "riflebody",

          "Min amount": 1,

          "Max amount": 1,

          "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.1,

          "Skin id": 0,

          "Custom name": ""



          "Short name": "smgbody",

          "Min amount": 1,

          "Max amount": 2,

          "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.1,

          "Skin id": 0,

          "Custom name": ""



          "Short name": "metalspring",

          "Min amount": 1,

          "Max amount": 3,

          "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.1,

          "Skin id": 0,

          "Custom name": ""



          "Short name": "sewingkit",

          "Min amount": 1,

          "Max amount": 2,

          "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.1,

          "Skin id": 0,

          "Custom name": ""





  "Control center NPC loot table": {

    "Enabled": true,

    "Item list": [


        "Short name": "parachute",

        "Min amount": 1,

        "Max amount": 1,

        "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.3,

        "Skin id": 0,

        "Custom name": ""



        "Short name": "ammo.shotgun",

        "Min amount": 4,

        "Max amount": 8,

        "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.2,

        "Skin id": 0,

        "Custom name": ""



        "Short name": "",

        "Min amount": 4,

        "Max amount": 8,

        "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.2,

        "Skin id": 0,

        "Custom name": ""



        "Short name": "ammo.shotgun.slug",

        "Min amount": 4,

        "Max amount": 8,

        "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.2,

        "Skin id": 0,

        "Custom name": ""



        "Short name": "ammo.pistol",

        "Min amount": 15,

        "Max amount": 30,

        "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.2,

        "Skin id": 0,

        "Custom name": ""



        "Short name": "ammo.pistol.hv",

        "Min amount": 15,

        "Max amount": 30,

        "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.2,

        "Skin id": 0,

        "Custom name": ""



        "Short name": "",

        "Min amount": 15,

        "Max amount": 30,

        "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.2,

        "Skin id": 0,

        "Custom name": ""



        "Short name": "ammo.rifle",

        "Min amount": 12,

        "Max amount": 24,

        "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.2,

        "Skin id": 0,

        "Custom name": ""



        "Short name": "ammo.rifle.hv",

        "Min amount": 12,

        "Max amount": 24,

        "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.2,

        "Skin id": 0,

        "Custom name": ""



        "Short name": "ammo.rifle.incendiary",

        "Min amount": 12,

        "Max amount": 24,

        "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.2,

        "Skin id": 0,

        "Custom name": ""



        "Short name": "syringe.medical",

        "Min amount": 1,

        "Max amount": 2,

        "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.2,

        "Skin id": 0,

        "Custom name": ""



        "Short name": "bandage",

        "Min amount": 1,

        "Max amount": 3,

        "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.3,

        "Skin id": 0,

        "Custom name": ""



        "Short name": "largemedkit",

        "Min amount": 2,

        "Max amount": 6,

        "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.1,

        "Skin id": 0,

        "Custom name": ""



        "Short name": "riflebody",

        "Min amount": 1,

        "Max amount": 1,

        "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.1,

        "Skin id": 0,

        "Custom name": ""



        "Short name": "smgbody",

        "Min amount": 1,

        "Max amount": 2,

        "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.1,

        "Skin id": 0,

        "Custom name": ""



        "Short name": "metalspring",

        "Min amount": 1,

        "Max amount": 3,

        "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.1,

        "Skin id": 0,

        "Custom name": ""



        "Short name": "sewingkit",

        "Min amount": 1,

        "Max amount": 2,

        "Chance (1 = 100%)": 0.1,

        "Skin id": 0,

        "Custom name": ""




  "Control center NPC configuration": {

    "Npc name": "Air Scientist",

    "Health": 200.0,

    "Enable radio chatter": true,

    "Attack range multiplier": 1.0,

    "Sense range (m)": 50.0,

    "Vision cone (degrees)": 135.0,

    "Damage scale (1 = 100%)": 1.0,

    "Memory duration (seconds)": 30.0,

    "Roam range (m)": 20.0,

    "Chase range (m)": 40.0,

    "Remove corpse on death and drop bag": true,

    "Kit (requires Kits plugin)": "",

    "Clothing items": [


        "shortName": "hazmatsuittwitch",

        "amount": 1,

        "skinId": 0



    "Belt items": [


        "shortName": "rifle.lr300",

        "amount": 1,

        "skinId": 0



        "shortName": "grenade.f1",

        "amount": 10,

        "skinId": 0




  "Cargo ship NPC configuration (Top)": {

    "Npc name": "Air Scientist",

    "Health": 250.0,

    "Enable radio chatter": true,

    "Attack range multiplier": 1.0,

    "Sense range (m)": 100.0,

    "Vision cone (degrees)": 135.0,

    "Damage scale (1 = 100%)": 1.0,

    "Memory duration (seconds)": 30.0,

    "Roam range (m)": 1.0,

    "Chase range (m)": 1.0,

    "Remove corpse on death and drop bag": true,

    "Kit (requires Kits plugin)": "",

    "Clothing items": [


        "shortName": "hazmatsuittwitch",

        "amount": 1,

        "skinId": 0



    "Belt items": [


        "shortName": "rifle.lr300",

        "amount": 1,

        "skinId": 0




  "Cargo ship NPC configuration (Normal)": {

    "Npc name": "Air Scientist",

    "Health": 200.0,

    "Enable radio chatter": true,

    "Attack range multiplier": 1.0,

    "Sense range (m)": 40.0,

    "Vision cone (degrees)": 135.0,

    "Damage scale (1 = 100%)": 1.0,

    "Memory duration (seconds)": 30.0,

    "Roam range (m)": 20.0,

    "Chase range (m)": 40.0,

    "Remove corpse on death and drop bag": true,

    "Kit (requires Kits plugin)": "",

    "Clothing items": [


        "shortName": "hazmatsuittwitch",

        "amount": 1,

        "skinId": 0



    "Belt items": [


        "shortName": "smg.mp5",

        "amount": 1,

        "skinId": 0



        "shortName": "grenade.f1",

        "amount": 10,

        "skinId": 0




  "Cargo ship NPC configuration (Inside)": {

    "Npc name": "Air Scientist",

    "Health": 250.0,

    "Enable radio chatter": true,

    "Attack range multiplier": 1.0,

    "Sense range (m)": 20.0,

    "Vision cone (degrees)": 135.0,

    "Damage scale (1 = 100%)": 1.0,

    "Memory duration (seconds)": 30.0,

    "Roam range (m)": 10.0,

    "Chase range (m)": 20.0,

    "Remove corpse on death and drop bag": true,

    "Kit (requires Kits plugin)": "",

    "Clothing items": [


        "shortName": "hazmatsuittwitch",

        "amount": 1,

        "skinId": 0



    "Belt items": [


        "shortName": "shotgun.spas12",

        "amount": 1,

        "skinId": 0



        "shortName": "grenade.f1",

        "amount": 10,

        "skinId": 0




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