BlackPlugin- все для вашего сервера RUST

BlackPlugin - это сообщество, где вы можете найти множество отличных утечек, завести новых друзей, участвовать в обсуждениях и многое другое. Зарегистрируйтесь бесплатно прямо сейчас!


ПРЕМИУМ PLUGIN AutomatedSearchlights 0.2.38

  "Detection Options": {
    "Animals": {
      "Enable this detection type": true,
      "Range of detection": 30.0,
      "Threat rating for priority targeting (1 - 5, 1 being the highest threat)": 4
    "Enemy players and NPCs": {
      "Enable this detection type": true,
      "Range of detection": 45.0,
      "Threat rating for priority targeting (1 - 5, 1 being the highest threat)": 2
    "Friends and owner": {
      "Enable this detection type": true,
      "Range of detection": 45.0,
      "Threat rating for priority targeting (1 - 5, 1 being the highest threat)": 5
    "Cars and tanks": {
      "Enable this detection type": true,
      "Range of detection": 60.0,
      "Threat rating for priority targeting (1 - 5, 1 being the highest threat)": 1
    "Helicopters": {
      "Enable this detection type": true,
      "Range of detection": 100.0,
      "Threat rating for priority targeting (1 - 5, 1 being the highest threat)": 3
  "Management Options": {
    "Allow lights to be set without requiring a terminal": false,
    "Maximum allowed searchlights per base (Permission | Amount)": {
      "automatedsearchlights.use": 4,
      "": 10
    "Maximum distance a searchlight controller can be set away from the terminal": 50.0,
    "Remote Settings": {
      "Can players toggle searchlight automation": true,
      "Can players control the searchlight remotely": true,
      "Can players access the searchlight inventory": true,
      "Display camera overlay UI": true,
      "Camera overlay image URL": "",
      "Searchlight icon URL for RustNET menu": ""
  "Light Options": {
    "Consume fuel when light is automated": false,
    "Sunrise hour": 8.0,
    "Sunset hour": 19.0,
    "Only automate lights at night time": true,
    "Search mode": {
      "Enable search mode when no targets are visable": true,
      "Rotation speed of search mode": 15.0
    "Flicker mode": {
      "Enable flickering lights when damaged": true,
      "Percentage of health before flickering starts": 50.0
  "Version": {
    "Major": 0,
    "Minor": 2,
    "Patch": 10

bySavage Приобрел`(а)

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Black Приобрел`(а)

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