BlackPlugin - это сообщество, где вы можете найти множество отличных утечек, завести новых друзей, участвовать в обсуждениях и многое другое. Зарегистрируйтесь бесплатно прямо сейчас!
"UI_CHANGE": "Change",
"UI_CHOOSE": "Select",
"UI_BETTERTEAMSDESCRIPTION": "This modification will allow you to get a better experience playing with friends. Some things have been changed, and new ones have been added, so that you get the better experience playing with your friends!",
"UI_CHANGEHUD": "• Team Hud - allows you to see status of your mates",
"UI_CHANGETeamVoice": "• Team Voice - allows you to use in-game voice chat to communicate only with your mates(works at any distance). Other players will not hear you. Can be enable in settings",
"UI_CHANGESkins": "• Team Skins - allows you to choose skins for your team. Items you pick up will automatically receive your team's skin",
"UI_CHANGEEasyTeamMabrkers": "• Easy Team Marker - allows you to use fast marker to your team without using binoculars",
"UI_CHANGEAutoAuthTC": "• AutoAuthorization TC - adds automatic authorization of allies in TC",
"UI_CHANGEAutoAuthCodeLocks": "• AutoAuthorization CodeLocks - adds automatic authorization of allies in Code Locks",
"UI_CHANGEAutoAuthTurrets": "• AutoAuthorization Auto Turrets - adds automatic authorization of allies in Auto Turrets",
"UI_CHANGESamSiteAuthorization": "• AutoAuthorization SamSite - adds automatic authorization of allies in Sam Sites",
"UI_CHANGEAuthorizationManager": "• Team Managment - allows the team leader to manage auto authorization for allies.",
"UI_S_ENABLE_TEAM_VOICE_DES": "Yes - Replace vanilla voice to to team chat. Only your allies will hear you. Works at any distance (on the entire map)",
"UI_S_ENABLE_TEAM_SKIN_DES": "Yes - all items you pick up will automatically receive your team's skin.",
"UI_S_ENABLE_MARKERS_DES": "Yes - will give you the ability to place quick time markers in the world at the location you are looking at. Markers are placed using a key combination and do not require binoculars.",
"UI_S_MARKER_BUTTON_DES": "Bind your easy team marker command. Just copy command, replace BUTTON to the button you need and enter in console!\nExample: bind BUTTON ftmark -> binb v ftmark",
"UI_S_YES": "YES",
"UI_S_NO": "NO",
"UI_M_ONLY_LEADER": "Available only to the team leader",
"UI_M_AA_INFO_DES": "All authorization places (tcs, codelocks, auto turrets, etc) add up to a single authorization list for the entire team. If you block any ally from accessing the authorization list, he will lose access to all authorization places, except for those that he installed personally (set codelock or tc himself), while your team will not lose access to his authorization places. Good if you accept new random player in your team.",
"UI_M_SELECT_MATE": "Select one of your allies",
"UI_M_AA_TC": "Tool Cupboard Auto Authorization",
"UI_M_AA_CL": "CodeLocks Auto Authorization",
"UI_M_AA_AT": "Auto Turrets Auto Authorization",
"UI_M_AA_SAMSITE": "Sam Sites Auto Authorization",
"UI_M_KICK": "Kick from team",
"CM_MARKER_COOLDOWN": "Your team ping is on cooldown: {0} seconds left",
"UI_S_PERM": "Your team must have at least 1 player with privilege that have access to skins",
"CM_DONT_HAVE_PERM": "You do not have permission to use this command",
"UI_IS_DISABLED": "This function is disabled by admin"