- это сообщество, где вы можете найти множество отличных плагинов, завести новых друзей, участвовать в обсуждениях и многое другое. Зарегистрируйтесь бесплатно прямо сейчас!
"Team Setting Command": "bt",
"Enabled functions": {
"Enable Team Hud": true,
"Enable global team voice chat": true,
"Enable team skins": true,
"Enable easy team markers": true,
"Enable team auto authorization": {
"TC Authorization": true,
"Codelocks authorization": true,
"AutoTurrets authorization": true,
"SAMSite authorization": true
"Easy team markers": {
"Max distance": 50.0,
"Search radius": 1.0,
"Duration [seconds]": 5,
"Cooldown [seconds]": 10
"Permissions": {
"Need permission for Team Hud?(true - will work only for players with permission / false - work for all players)": true,
"Need permission for Team Voice?(true - will work only for players with permission / false - work for all players)": true,
"Need permission for Team Skins?(Need at least one player with this permission in team to set skins in menu)(true - will work only for players with permission / false - work for all players)": true,
"Need permission for Team marker?(true - will work only for players with permission / false - work for all players)": true,
"Team hud using permission": "betterteams.hud",
"Team Voice using permission": "betterteams.voice",
"Team Skins using permission(only for setting skins. it's mean that only team leader will need this permission)": "betterteams.skins",
"Team marker using permission": "betterteams.marker"
"Hud Settings": {
"UI Scale": 1.0,
"Left Offset": 5,
"Top Offset": 200,
"Player grid refresh rate": 5,
"Lines margin": 5,
"Collums margin": 5,
"Max amount of player displays in line": 8