BlackPlugin- все для вашего сервера RUST

BlackPlugin - это сообщество, где вы можете найти множество отличных утечек, завести новых друзей, участвовать в обсуждениях и многое другое. Зарегистрируйтесь бесплатно прямо сейчас!

Extra Events

ПЛАТНО ИВЕНТ Extra Events 1.8.0

    "Enable Reward": true,
    "Reward Notification": {
      "Enable Reward Notification": true,
      "Only Send Reward Notification To Winning Player?": false,
      "Reward Notification": "<color=purple>{player_name}</color> scored <color=purple>first place</color> in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event with <color=purple>{points_scored} points</color> and won <color=purple>{rewards_list}</color>!",
      "Separate {rewards_list} With Commas?": true
    "Item(s)": [
        "Enable Item": true,
        "Item Display Name": "Pookie",
        "Item Shortname": "pookie.bear",
        "Item Skin ID": 0,
        "Item Amount": 1
        "Enable Item": true,
        "Item Display Name": "Scrap",
        "Item Shortname": "scrap",
        "Item Skin ID": 0,
        "Item Amount": 100
    "Command(s)": [
        "Enable Command": true,
        "Command Display Name": "10,000 RP",
        "Command": "sr add {} 10000"
    "Kit(s) (plugin required)": [
        "Enable Kit": false,
        "Kit Display Name": "PVP Kit",
        "Kit": "pvpkit"
    "Enable Reward": true,
    "Reward Notification": {
      "Enable Reward Notification": true,
      "Only Send Reward Notification To Winning Player?": false,
      "Reward Notification": "<color=purple>{player_name}</color> scored <color=purple>second place</color> in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event with <color=purple>{points_scored} points</color> and won <color=purple>{rewards_list}</color>!",
      "Separate {rewards_list} With Commas?": true
    "Item(s)": [
        "Enable Item": false,
        "Item Display Name": "Scrap",
        "Item Shortname": "scrap",
        "Item Skin ID": 0,
        "Item Amount": 100
    "Command(s)": [
        "Enable Command": true,
        "Command Display Name": "5,000 RP",
        "Command": "sr add {} 5000"
    "Kit(s) (plugin required)": [
        "Enable Kit": true,
        "Kit Display Name": "Farm Kit",
        "Kit": "farmkit"
Default Config

  "General Options": {
    "Chat Prefix": "<color=purple>ExtraEvents:</color>",
    "Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 76561199519603325,
    "Minimum Players Online to Automatically Start Random Event": 3,
    "Auto Random Event Start Time Min (seconds)": 3600,
    "Auto Random Event Start Time Max (seconds)": 7200,
    "Enable Console Messages": true,
    "Enable Log File": true,
    "Chat Command": "extraevents",
    "Admin Permission": "extraevents.admin",
    "All Events Permission (optional, overrides individual event permissions if enabled)": "extraevents.all"
  "Event Types": {
    "OreWar": {
      "Enable Event": true,
      "Event Name": "OreWar",
      "Event Description": "Mine ore nodes to win!",
      "Event Length (seconds)": 600,
      "Enable Event Permission": false,
      "Event Permission": "extraevents.orewar",
      "Show UI And Notifications To Players Without Event Permission?": false,
      "Event Image(s)": [
          "Enable Image": true,
          "Image URL": "",
          "Image Transparency (0.0 - 100.0)": 75.0,
          "Image Anchors Min (x y)": "0.8 0.2",
          "Image Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.245"
      "Event Leaderboard": {
        "Enable Leaderboard UI": true,
        "UI Anchors Min (x y)": "0.695 0.025",
        "UI Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.1975",
        "UI Background Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 0.2",
        "UI Text Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 1.0",
        "UI Text Outline Color (r g b a)": "0 0 0 0.25",
        "UI Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center",
        "UI Player List Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center",
        "UI Pending Participation Message": "No one has played... yet."
      "Event Notifications": {
        "Enable Chat Notifications": true,
        "Event Chat Prefix": "",
        "Event Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 0,
        "Enable GameTip Notifications": false,
        "GameTip Style (info OR alert)": "info",
        "GameTip Duration (seconds)": 3.0,
        "Event Starting": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has started! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>",
        "Event Ending": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has ended.",
        "No Participants": "No one participated in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event",
        "Multiple Winners Notification Delay (seconds)": 4.0
      "Event Reward(s)": [
          "Enable Reward": true,
          "Reward Notification": {
            "Enable Reward Notification": true,
            "Only Send Reward Notification To Winning Player?": false,
            "Reward Notification": "<color=purple>{player_name}</color> scored <color=purple>first place</color> in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event with <color=purple>{points_scored} points</color> and won <color=purple>{rewards_list}</color>!",
            "Separate {rewards_list} With Commas?": true
          "Item(s)": [
              "Enable Item": true,
              "Item Display Name": "Scrap",
              "Item Shortname": "scrap",
              "Item Skin ID": 0,
              "Item Amount": 100
          "Command(s)": [
              "Enable Command": false,
              "Command Display Name": "VIP Role",
              "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {} vip"
          "Kit(s) (plugin required)": [
              "Enable Kit": false,
              "Kit Display Name": "PVP Kit",
              "Kit": "pvpkit"
    "TreeTrimmers": {
      "Enable Event": true,
      "Event Name": "TreeTrimmers",
      "Event Description": "Chop trees to win!",
      "Event Length (seconds)": 600,
      "Enable Event Permission": false,
      "Event Permission": "extraevents.treetrimmers",
      "Show UI And Notifications To Players Without Event Permission?": false,
      "Event Image(s)": [
          "Enable Image": true,
          "Image URL": "",
          "Image Transparency (0.0 - 100.0)": 75.0,
          "Image Anchors Min (x y)": "0.8 0.2",
          "Image Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.245"
      "Event Leaderboard": {
        "Enable Leaderboard UI": true,
        "UI Anchors Min (x y)": "0.695 0.025",
        "UI Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.1975",
        "UI Background Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 0.2",
        "UI Text Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 1.0",
        "UI Text Outline Color (r g b a)": "0 0 0 0.25",
        "UI Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center",
        "UI Player List Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center",
        "UI Pending Participation Message": "No one has played... yet."
      "Event Notifications": {
        "Enable Chat Notifications": true,
        "Event Chat Prefix": "",
        "Event Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 0,
        "Enable GameTip Notifications": false,
        "GameTip Style (info OR alert)": "info",
        "GameTip Duration (seconds)": 3.0,
        "Event Starting": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has started! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>",
        "Event Ending": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has ended.",
        "No Participants": "No one participated in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event",
        "Multiple Winners Notification Delay (seconds)": 4.0
      "Event Reward(s)": [
          "Enable Reward": true,
          "Reward Notification": {
            "Enable Reward Notification": true,
            "Only Send Reward Notification To Winning Player?": false,
            "Reward Notification": "<color=purple>{player_name}</color> scored <color=purple>first place</color> in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event with <color=purple>{points_scored} points</color> and won <color=purple>{rewards_list}</color>!",
            "Separate {rewards_list} With Commas?": true
          "Item(s)": [
              "Enable Item": true,
              "Item Display Name": "Scrap",
              "Item Shortname": "scrap",
              "Item Skin ID": 0,
              "Item Amount": 100
          "Command(s)": [
              "Enable Command": false,
              "Command Display Name": "VIP Role",
              "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {} vip"
          "Kit(s) (plugin required)": [
              "Enable Kit": false,
              "Kit Display Name": "PVP Kit",
              "Kit": "pvpkit"
    "BarrelBreakers": {
      "Enable Event": true,
      "Event Name": "BarrelBreakers",
      "Event Description": "Break barrels to win!",
      "Event Length (seconds)": 600,
      "Enable Event Permission": false,
      "Event Permission": "extraevents.barrelbreakers",
      "Show UI And Notifications To Players Without Event Permission?": false,
      "Event Image(s)": [
          "Enable Image": true,
          "Image URL": "",
          "Image Transparency (0.0 - 100.0)": 75.0,
          "Image Anchors Min (x y)": "0.8 0.2",
          "Image Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.245"
      "Event Leaderboard": {
        "Enable Leaderboard UI": true,
        "UI Anchors Min (x y)": "0.695 0.025",
        "UI Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.1975",
        "UI Background Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 0.2",
        "UI Text Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 1.0",
        "UI Text Outline Color (r g b a)": "0 0 0 0.25",
        "UI Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center",
        "UI Player List Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center",
        "UI Pending Participation Message": "No one has played... yet."
      "Event Notifications": {
        "Enable Chat Notifications": true,
        "Event Chat Prefix": "",
        "Event Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 0,
        "Enable GameTip Notifications": false,
        "GameTip Style (info OR alert)": "info",
        "GameTip Duration (seconds)": 3.0,
        "Event Starting": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has started! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>",
        "Event Ending": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has ended.",
        "No Participants": "No one participated in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event",
        "Multiple Winners Notification Delay (seconds)": 4.0
      "Event Reward(s)": [
          "Enable Reward": true,
          "Reward Notification": {
            "Enable Reward Notification": true,
            "Only Send Reward Notification To Winning Player?": false,
            "Reward Notification": "<color=purple>{player_name}</color> scored <color=purple>first place</color> in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event with <color=purple>{points_scored} points</color> and won <color=purple>{rewards_list}</color>!",
            "Separate {rewards_list} With Commas?": true
          "Item(s)": [
              "Enable Item": true,
              "Item Display Name": "Scrap",
              "Item Shortname": "scrap",
              "Item Skin ID": 0,
              "Item Amount": 100
          "Command(s)": [
              "Enable Command": false,
              "Command Display Name": "VIP Role",
              "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {} vip"
          "Kit(s) (plugin required)": [
              "Enable Kit": false,
              "Kit Display Name": "PVP Kit",
              "Kit": "pvpkit"
    "FishingFrenzy": {
      "Enable Event": true,
      "Event Name": "FishingFrenzy",
      "Event Description": "Catch fish to win!",
      "Event Length (seconds)": 600,
      "Enable Event Permission": false,
      "Event Permission": "extraevents.fishingfrenzy",
      "Show UI And Notifications To Players Without Event Permission?": false,
      "Event Image(s)": [
          "Enable Image": true,
          "Image URL": "",
          "Image Transparency (0.0 - 100.0)": 75.0,
          "Image Anchors Min (x y)": "0.8 0.2",
          "Image Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.245"
      "Event Leaderboard": {
        "Enable Leaderboard UI": true,
        "UI Anchors Min (x y)": "0.695 0.025",
        "UI Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.1975",
        "UI Background Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 0.2",
        "UI Text Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 1.0",
        "UI Text Outline Color (r g b a)": "0 0 0 0.25",
        "UI Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center",
        "UI Player List Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center",
        "UI Pending Participation Message": "No one has played... yet."
      "Event Notifications": {
        "Enable Chat Notifications": true,
        "Event Chat Prefix": "",
        "Event Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 0,
        "Enable GameTip Notifications": false,
        "GameTip Style (info OR alert)": "info",
        "GameTip Duration (seconds)": 3.0,
        "Event Starting": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has started! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>",
        "Event Ending": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has ended.",
        "No Participants": "No one participated in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event",
        "Multiple Winners Notification Delay (seconds)": 4.0
      "Event Reward(s)": [
          "Enable Reward": true,
          "Reward Notification": {
            "Enable Reward Notification": true,
            "Only Send Reward Notification To Winning Player?": false,
            "Reward Notification": "<color=purple>{player_name}</color> scored <color=purple>first place</color> in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event with <color=purple>{points_scored} points</color> and won <color=purple>{rewards_list}</color>!",
            "Separate {rewards_list} With Commas?": true
          "Item(s)": [
              "Enable Item": true,
              "Item Display Name": "Scrap",
              "Item Shortname": "scrap",
              "Item Skin ID": 0,
              "Item Amount": 100
          "Command(s)": [
              "Enable Command": false,
              "Command Display Name": "VIP Role",
              "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {} vip"
          "Kit(s) (plugin required)": [
              "Enable Kit": false,
              "Kit Display Name": "PVP Kit",
              "Kit": "pvpkit"
    "BotBash": {
      "Enable Event": true,
      "Event Name": "BotBash",
      "Event Description": "Kill bots to win!",
      "Event Length (seconds)": 600,
      "Enable Event Permission": false,
      "Event Permission": "extraevents.botbash",
      "Show UI And Notifications To Players Without Event Permission?": false,
      "Event Image(s)": [
          "Enable Image": true,
          "Image URL": "",
          "Image Transparency (0.0 - 100.0)": 75.0,
          "Image Anchors Min (x y)": "0.8 0.2",
          "Image Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.245"
      "Event Leaderboard": {
        "Enable Leaderboard UI": true,
        "UI Anchors Min (x y)": "0.695 0.025",
        "UI Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.1975",
        "UI Background Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 0.2",
        "UI Text Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 1.0",
        "UI Text Outline Color (r g b a)": "0 0 0 0.25",
        "UI Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center",
        "UI Player List Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center",
        "UI Pending Participation Message": "No one has played... yet."
      "Event Notifications": {
        "Enable Chat Notifications": true,
        "Event Chat Prefix": "",
        "Event Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 0,
        "Enable GameTip Notifications": false,
        "GameTip Style (info OR alert)": "info",
        "GameTip Duration (seconds)": 3.0,
        "Event Starting": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has started! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>",
        "Event Ending": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has ended.",
        "No Participants": "No one participated in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event",
        "Multiple Winners Notification Delay (seconds)": 4.0
      "Event Reward(s)": [
          "Enable Reward": true,
          "Reward Notification": {
            "Enable Reward Notification": true,
            "Only Send Reward Notification To Winning Player?": false,
            "Reward Notification": "<color=purple>{player_name}</color> scored <color=purple>first place</color> in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event with <color=purple>{points_scored} points</color> and won <color=purple>{rewards_list}</color>!",
            "Separate {rewards_list} With Commas?": true
          "Item(s)": [
              "Enable Item": true,
              "Item Display Name": "Scrap",
              "Item Shortname": "scrap",
              "Item Skin ID": 0,
              "Item Amount": 100
          "Command(s)": [
              "Enable Command": false,
              "Command Display Name": "VIP Role",
              "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {} vip"
          "Kit(s) (plugin required)": [
              "Enable Kit": false,
              "Kit Display Name": "PVP Kit",
              "Kit": "pvpkit"
    "CrateClash": {
      "Enable Event": true,
      "Event Name": "CrateClash",
      "Event Description": "Loot crates to win!",
      "Event Length (seconds)": 600,
      "Enable Event Permission": false,
      "Event Permission": "extraevents.crateclash",
      "Show UI And Notifications To Players Without Event Permission?": false,
      "Event Image(s)": [
          "Enable Image": true,
          "Image URL": "",
          "Image Transparency (0.0 - 100.0)": 75.0,
          "Image Anchors Min (x y)": "0.8 0.2",
          "Image Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.245"
      "Event Leaderboard": {
        "Enable Leaderboard UI": true,
        "UI Anchors Min (x y)": "0.695 0.025",
        "UI Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.1975",
        "UI Background Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 0.2",
        "UI Text Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 1.0",
        "UI Text Outline Color (r g b a)": "0 0 0 0.25",
        "UI Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center",
        "UI Player List Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center",
        "UI Pending Participation Message": "No one has played... yet."
      "Event Notifications": {
        "Enable Chat Notifications": true,
        "Event Chat Prefix": "",
        "Event Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 0,
        "Enable GameTip Notifications": false,
        "GameTip Style (info OR alert)": "info",
        "GameTip Duration (seconds)": 3.0,
        "Event Starting": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has started! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>",
        "Event Ending": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has ended.",
        "No Participants": "No one participated in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event",
        "Multiple Winners Notification Delay (seconds)": 4.0
      "Event Reward(s)": [
          "Enable Reward": true,
          "Reward Notification": {
            "Enable Reward Notification": true,
            "Only Send Reward Notification To Winning Player?": false,
            "Reward Notification": "<color=purple>{player_name}</color> scored <color=purple>first place</color> in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event with <color=purple>{points_scored} points</color> and won <color=purple>{rewards_list}</color>!",
            "Separate {rewards_list} With Commas?": true
          "Item(s)": [
              "Enable Item": true,
              "Item Display Name": "Scrap",
              "Item Shortname": "scrap",
              "Item Skin ID": 0,
              "Item Amount": 100
          "Command(s)": [
              "Enable Command": false,
              "Command Display Name": "VIP Role",
              "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {} vip"
          "Kit(s) (plugin required)": [
              "Enable Kit": false,
              "Kit Display Name": "PVP Kit",
              "Kit": "pvpkit"
    "AnimalAnnihilation": {
      "Enable Event": true,
      "Event Name": "AnimalAnnihilation",
      "Event Description": "Kill animals to win!",
      "Event Length (seconds)": 600,
      "Enable Event Permission": false,
      "Event Permission": "extraevents.animalannihilation",
      "Show UI And Notifications To Players Without Event Permission?": false,
      "Event Image(s)": [
          "Enable Image": true,
          "Image URL": "",
          "Image Transparency (0.0 - 100.0)": 75.0,
          "Image Anchors Min (x y)": "0.8 0.2",
          "Image Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.245"
      "Event Leaderboard": {
        "Enable Leaderboard UI": true,
        "UI Anchors Min (x y)": "0.695 0.025",
        "UI Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.1975",
        "UI Background Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 0.2",
        "UI Text Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 1.0",
        "UI Text Outline Color (r g b a)": "0 0 0 0.25",
        "UI Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center",
        "UI Player List Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center",
        "UI Pending Participation Message": "No one has played... yet."
      "Event Notifications": {
        "Enable Chat Notifications": true,
        "Event Chat Prefix": "",
        "Event Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 0,
        "Enable GameTip Notifications": false,
        "GameTip Style (info OR alert)": "info",
        "GameTip Duration (seconds)": 3.0,
        "Event Starting": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has started! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>",
        "Event Ending": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has ended.",
        "No Participants": "No one participated in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event",
        "Multiple Winners Notification Delay (seconds)": 4.0
      "Event Reward(s)": [
          "Enable Reward": true,
          "Reward Notification": {
            "Enable Reward Notification": true,
            "Only Send Reward Notification To Winning Player?": false,
            "Reward Notification": "<color=purple>{player_name}</color> scored <color=purple>first place</color> in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event with <color=purple>{points_scored} points</color> and won <color=purple>{rewards_list}</color>!",
            "Separate {rewards_list} With Commas?": true
          "Item(s)": [
              "Enable Item": true,
              "Item Display Name": "Scrap",
              "Item Shortname": "scrap",
              "Item Skin ID": 0,
              "Item Amount": 100
          "Command(s)": [
              "Enable Command": false,
              "Command Display Name": "VIP Role",
              "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {} vip"
          "Kit(s) (plugin required)": [
              "Enable Kit": false,
              "Kit Display Name": "PVP Kit",
              "Kit": "pvpkit"
    "ResourceRumble": {
      "Enable Event": true,
      "Event Name": "ResourceRumble",
      "Event Description": "Collect resources to win!",
      "Event Length (seconds)": 600,
      "Enable Event Permission": false,
      "Event Permission": "extraevents.resourcerumble",
      "Show UI And Notifications To Players Without Event Permission?": false,
      "Event Image(s)": [
          "Enable Image": true,
          "Image URL": "",
          "Image Transparency (0.0 - 100.0)": 75.0,
          "Image Anchors Min (x y)": "0.8 0.2",
          "Image Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.245"
      "Event Leaderboard": {
        "Enable Leaderboard UI": true,
        "UI Anchors Min (x y)": "0.695 0.025",
        "UI Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.1975",
        "UI Background Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 0.2",
        "UI Text Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 1.0",
        "UI Text Outline Color (r g b a)": "0 0 0 0.25",
        "UI Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center",
        "UI Player List Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center",
        "UI Pending Participation Message": "No one has played... yet."
      "Event Notifications": {
        "Enable Chat Notifications": true,
        "Event Chat Prefix": "",
        "Event Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 0,
        "Enable GameTip Notifications": false,
        "GameTip Style (info OR alert)": "info",
        "GameTip Duration (seconds)": 3.0,
        "Event Starting": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has started! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>",
        "Event Ending": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has ended.",
        "No Participants": "No one participated in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event",
        "Multiple Winners Notification Delay (seconds)": 4.0
      "Event Reward(s)": [
          "Enable Reward": true,
          "Reward Notification": {
            "Enable Reward Notification": true,
            "Only Send Reward Notification To Winning Player?": false,
            "Reward Notification": "<color=purple>{player_name}</color> scored <color=purple>first place</color> in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event with <color=purple>{points_scored} points</color> and won <color=purple>{rewards_list}</color>!",
            "Separate {rewards_list} With Commas?": true
          "Item(s)": [
              "Enable Item": true,
              "Item Display Name": "Scrap",
              "Item Shortname": "scrap",
              "Item Skin ID": 0,
              "Item Amount": 100
          "Command(s)": [
              "Enable Command": false,
              "Command Display Name": "VIP Role",
              "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {} vip"
          "Kit(s) (plugin required)": [
              "Enable Kit": false,
              "Kit Display Name": "PVP Kit",
              "Kit": "pvpkit"
  "Additional Event Types": {
    "ResourceRun": {
      "Enable Event": true,
      "Event Name": "ResourceRun",
      "Event Description": "Collect resources at 2x the normal rate!",
      "Event Length (seconds)": 600,
      "Enable Event Permission": false,
      "Event Permission": "extraevents.resourcerun",
      "Show UI And Notifications To Players Without Event Permission?": false,
      "Event Image(s)": [
          "Enable Image": true,
          "Image URL": "",
          "Image Transparency (0.0 - 100.0)": 75.0,
          "Image Anchors Min (x y)": "0.8 0.2",
          "Image Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.245"
      "Event UI": {
        "Enable UI": true,
        "UI Anchors Min (x y)": "0.695 0.025",
        "UI Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.1975",
        "UI Background Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 0.2",
        "UI Text Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 1.0",
        "UI Text Outline Color (r g b a)": "0 0 0 0.25",
        "UI Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center"
      "Event Notifications": {
        "Enable Chat Notifications": true,
        "Event Chat Prefix": "",
        "Event Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 0,
        "Enable GameTip Notifications": false,
        "GameTip Style (info OR alert)": "info",
        "GameTip Duration (seconds)": 3.0,
        "Event Starting": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has started! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>",
        "Event Ending": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has ended."
  "Version": {
    "Major": 1,
    "Minor": 5,
    "Patch": 0

under__21 Приобрел`(а)

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