BlackPlugin- все для вашего сервера RUST

BlackPlugin - это сообщество, где вы можете найти множество отличных утечек, завести новых друзей, участвовать в обсуждениях и многое другое. Зарегистрируйтесь бесплатно прямо сейчас!

Dictionary<String, DateTime> GetPermissions(UInt64 userID) - returns a list of the player's permissions and the time of their validity
Dictionary<String, DateTime> GetGroups(UInt64 userID)  - returns a list of the player's groups and the time of their action

void SetPermission(UInt64 userID, String Permission, DateTime DataExpired) - granting temporary permissions to the player
void SetPermission(UInt64 userID, String Permission, String DataExpired) - alternative API (DataExpired in 1d/1m/1s format)

void SetGroup(UInt64 userID, String Group, DateTime DataExpired) - issuing a temporary group to a player
void SetGroup(UInt64 userID, String Group, String DataExpired)  - alternative API (DataExpired in 1d/1m/1s format)

void RevokePermission(UInt64 userID, String Permission, DateTime DataExpired = default(DateTime)) - removing player permissions (if DataExpired = default(DateTime) - completely removes the permission from the player, if a period is specified, then it will cut the validity period to this period)
void RevokePermission(UInt64 userID, String Permission, String DataExpired = null) - alternative API (DataExpired format 1d/1m/1s) (if DataExpired = null - completely remove the permissions from the player, if a deadline is specified, then the validity period will be scraped until this deadline)

void RevokeGroup(UInt64 userID, String Group, DateTime DataExpired = default(DateTime))- removing player group (if DataExpired =  default(DateTime) - completely remove the group from the player, if a deadline is specified, then the validity period will be scraped until this deadline)
void RevokeGroup(UInt64 userID, String Group, String DataExpired = null) - alternative API (DataExpired format 1d/1m/1s) (если DataExpired = null - completely remove the group from the player, if a deadline is specified, then the validity period will be scraped until this deadline)

guestergggmod Приобрел`(а)

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Ange Приобрел`(а)

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Black Приобрел`(а)

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