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Ore Bonus


  "Ore adjustment": {
    "sulfur.ore": {
      "Display name": "Radiactive Sulfur",
      "The name of the item it will replace": "glue",
      "What to give for Smelting": "sulfur",
      "The amount of radiation that will be given to each tick": 10.0,
      "Radiation radius in meters (From the furnace)": 15.0,
      "Minimum deposit of melted ore in furnaces": 100,
      "Maximum deposit of melted ore in furnaces": 1000,
      "Chance of getting this Ore": 7,
      "Maximum amount of radioactive ore": 2,
      "Item Skin ID": 1681986132
    "metal.ore": {
      "Display name": "Radioactive Metal",
      "The name of the item it will replace": "ducttape",
      "What to give for Smelting": "metal.fragments",
      "The amount of radiation that will be given to each tick": 10.0,
      "Radiation radius in meters (From the furnace)": 10.0,
      "Minimum deposit of melted ore in furnaces": 300,
      "Maximum deposit of melted ore in furnaces": 1500,
      "Chance of getting this Ore": 11,
      "Maximum amount of radioactive ore": 3,
      "Item Skin ID": 1681987157
    "stones": {
      "Display name": "Radiactive Stone",
      "The name of the item it will replace": "bleach",
      "What to give for Smelting": "stones",
      "The amount of radiation that will be given to each tick": 10.0,
      "Radiation radius in meters (From the furnace)": 10.0,
      "Minimum deposit of melted ore in furnaces": 500,
      "Maximum deposit of melted ore in furnaces": 2500,
      "Chance of getting this Ore": 14,
      "Maximum amount of radioactive ore": 4,
      "Item Skin ID": 1681987635

guestergggmod Приобрел`(а)

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