BlackPlugin- все для вашего сервера RUST

BlackPlugin - это сообщество, где вы можете найти множество отличных утечек, завести новых друзей, участвовать в обсуждениях и многое другое. Зарегистрируйтесь бесплатно прямо сейчас!


ПЛАТНО PLUGIN TeleportGUI 2.0.19

  "Chat options": {
    "Use chat prefix": true,
    "Chat prefix": "<color=#C4FF00>TP: </color>",
    "Chat icon (steam ID)": 0
  "Teleport options": {
    "Teleport request timeout (seconds)": 30,
    "Only shows friends, clan members and team mates in player list": false,
    "Cancel pending teleport if hurt": true,
    "Cancel pending teleport if either player dies": false,
    "Teleport delay options": {
      "Default time until teleport (seconds)": 15,
      "VIP time until teleport (permission | seconds)": {
        "": 10,
        "teleportgui.elite": 5,
        "teleportgui.god": 3
    "Teleport cooldown options": {
      "Default cooldown time (seconds)": 10,
      "VIP cooldown times (permission | seconds)": {
        "": 60,
        "teleportgui.elite": 30,
        "teleportgui.god": 15
    "Teleport daily limit options": {
      "Default daily limit (0 disables limits entirely)": 3,
      "VIP daily limit (permission | limit)": {
        "": 5,
        "teleportgui.elite": 8,
        "teleportgui.god": 15
    "Purchase options": {
      "Require payment to teleport after daily limit has been reached": false,
      "Payment mode (ServerRewards, Economics, Scrap)": "Scrap",
      "Default payment cost": 10,
      "VIP payment cost (permission | cost)": {
        "": 8,
        "teleportgui.elite": 6,
        "teleportgui.god": 5
    "Command aliases": []
  "Home options": {
    "Max home options": {
      "Default home limit (0 disables limits entirely)": 3,
      "VIP home limit (permission | limit)": {
        "": 5,
        "teleportgui.elite": 8,
        "teleportgui.god": 10
    "Sleeping bag homes": {
      "Create home on bag placement": false,
      "Create home on bed placement": false,
      "Create home on beach towel placement": false,
      "Only create a home on placement if it is inside a building": true,
      "Remove home on bed/bag removal": false,
      "Disable set home command": false
    "Allow creating home in building blocked area": false,
    "Homes can only be set on building blocks": true,
    "Allow homes to be set on floors": false,
    "Don't allow homes to be set within X distance of another home": 20.0,
    "Wipe home data when the server is wiped": true,
    "Cancel pending teleport if hurt": true,
    "Cancel pending teleport if either player dies": false,
    "Teleport delay options": {
      "Default time until teleport (seconds)": 15,
      "VIP time until teleport (permission | seconds)": {
        "": 10,
        "teleportgui.elite": 5,
        "teleportgui.god": 3
    "Teleport cooldown options": {
      "Default cooldown time (seconds)": 10,
      "VIP cooldown times (permission | seconds)": {
        "": 60,
        "teleportgui.elite": 30,
        "teleportgui.god": 15
    "Teleport daily limit options": {
      "Default daily limit (0 disables limits entirely)": 3,
      "VIP daily limit (permission | limit)": {
        "": 5,
        "teleportgui.elite": 8,
        "teleportgui.god": 15
    "Purchase options": {
      "Require payment to teleport after daily limit has been reached": false,
      "Payment mode (ServerRewards, Economics, Scrap)": "Scrap",
      "Default payment cost": 10,
      "VIP payment cost (permission | cost)": {
        "": 8,
        "teleportgui.elite": 6,
        "teleportgui.god": 5
    "Command aliases": []
  "Warp options": {
    "Teleport to random point in X vicinity (0 to disable)": 0.0,
    "Monument warp points": {
      "trainyard_1": {
        "Generate warp for this monument": false,
        "Custom chat command": "",
        "Required permission (prefix with teleportgui.)": ""
      "harbor_2": {
        "Generate warp for this monument": false,
        "Custom chat command": "",
        "Required permission (prefix with teleportgui.)": ""
      "harbor_1": {
        "Generate warp for this monument": false,
        "Custom chat command": "",
        "Required permission (prefix with teleportgui.)": ""
      "fishing_village_c": {
        "Generate warp for this monument": false,
        "Custom chat command": "",
        "Required permission (prefix with teleportgui.)": ""
      "fishing_village_a": {
        "Generate warp for this monument": false,
        "Custom chat command": "",
        "Required permission (prefix with teleportgui.)": ""
      "fishing_village_b": {
        "Generate warp for this monument": false,
        "Custom chat command": "",
        "Required permission (prefix with teleportgui.)": ""
      "desert_military_base_d": {
        "Generate warp for this monument": false,
        "Custom chat command": "",
        "Required permission (prefix with teleportgui.)": ""
      "arctic_research_base_a": {
        "Generate warp for this monument": false,
        "Custom chat command": "",
        "Required permission (prefix with teleportgui.)": ""
      "launch_site_1": {
        "Generate warp for this monument": false,
        "Custom chat command": "",
        "Required permission (prefix with teleportgui.)": ""
      "compound": {
        "Generate warp for this monument": false,
        "Custom chat command": "",
        "Required permission (prefix with teleportgui.)": ""
      "bandit_town": {
        "Generate warp for this monument": false,
        "Custom chat command": "",
        "Required permission (prefix with teleportgui.)": ""
      "excavator_1": {
        "Generate warp for this monument": false,
        "Custom chat command": "",
        "Required permission (prefix with teleportgui.)": ""
      "junkyard_1": {
        "Generate warp for this monument": false,
        "Custom chat command": "",
        "Required permission (prefix with teleportgui.)": ""
      "stables_a": {
        "Generate warp for this monument": false,
        "Custom chat command": "",
        "Required permission (prefix with teleportgui.)": ""
      "powerplant_1": {
        "Generate warp for this monument": false,
        "Custom chat command": "",
        "Required permission (prefix with teleportgui.)": ""
      "military_tunnel_1": {
        "Generate warp for this monument": false,
        "Custom chat command": "",
        "Required permission (prefix with teleportgui.)": ""
      "water_treatment_plant_1": {
        "Generate warp for this monument": false,
        "Custom chat command": "",
        "Required permission (prefix with teleportgui.)": ""
      "airfield_1": {
        "Generate warp for this monument": false,
        "Custom chat command": "",
        "Required permission (prefix with teleportgui.)": ""
      "radtown_small_3": {
        "Generate warp for this monument": false,
        "Custom chat command": "",
        "Required permission (prefix with teleportgui.)": ""
      "mining_quarry_c": {
        "Generate warp for this monument": false,
        "Custom chat command": "",
        "Required permission (prefix with teleportgui.)": ""
      "sphere_tank": {
        "Generate warp for this monument": false,
        "Custom chat command": "",
        "Required permission (prefix with teleportgui.)": ""
      "mining_quarry_b": {
        "Generate warp for this monument": false,
        "Custom chat command": "",
        "Required permission (prefix with teleportgui.)": ""
      "satellite_dish": {
        "Generate warp for this monument": false,
        "Custom chat command": "",
        "Required permission (prefix with teleportgui.)": ""
      "mining_quarry_a": {
        "Generate warp for this monument": false,
        "Custom chat command": "",
        "Required permission (prefix with teleportgui.)": ""
      "entrance_bunker_d": {
        "Generate warp for this monument": false,
        "Custom chat command": "",
        "Required permission (prefix with teleportgui.)": ""
      "entrance_bunker_a": {
        "Generate warp for this monument": false,
        "Custom chat command": "",
        "Required permission (prefix with teleportgui.)": ""
      "entrance_bunker_c": {
        "Generate warp for this monument": false,
        "Custom chat command": "",
        "Required permission (prefix with teleportgui.)": ""
      "entrance_bunker_b": {
        "Generate warp for this monument": false,
        "Custom chat command": "",
        "Required permission (prefix with teleportgui.)": ""
      "warehouse": {
        "Generate warp for this monument": false,
        "Custom chat command": "",
        "Required permission (prefix with teleportgui.)": ""
      "supermarket_1": {
        "Generate warp for this monument": false,
        "Custom chat command": "",
        "Required permission (prefix with teleportgui.)": ""
      "gas_station_1": {
        "Generate warp for this monument": false,
        "Custom chat command": "",
        "Required permission (prefix with teleportgui.)": ""
      "lighthouse": {
        "Generate warp for this monument": false,
        "Custom chat command": "",
        "Required permission (prefix with teleportgui.)": ""
    "Cancel pending teleport if hurt": true,
    "Cancel pending teleport if either player dies": false,
    "Teleport delay options": {
      "Default time until teleport (seconds)": 15,
      "VIP time until teleport (permission | seconds)": {
        "": 10,
        "teleportgui.elite": 5,
        "teleportgui.god": 3
    "Teleport cooldown options": {
      "Default cooldown time (seconds)": 10,
      "VIP cooldown times (permission | seconds)": {
        "": 60,
        "teleportgui.elite": 30,
        "teleportgui.god": 15
    "Teleport daily limit options": {
      "Default daily limit (0 disables limits entirely)": 3,
      "VIP daily limit (permission | limit)": {
        "": 5,
        "teleportgui.elite": 8,
        "teleportgui.god": 15
    "Purchase options": {
      "Require payment to teleport after daily limit has been reached": false,
      "Payment mode (ServerRewards, Economics, Scrap)": "Scrap",
      "Default payment cost": 10,
      "VIP payment cost (permission | cost)": {
        "": 8,
        "teleportgui.elite": 6,
        "teleportgui.god": 5
    "Command aliases": []
  "Teleport conditions": {
    "Can teleport whilst bleeding": {
      "Can teleport if target player has condition": true,
      "Can teleport if player has condition": false
    "Can teleport whilst crafting": {
      "Can teleport if target player has condition": true,
      "Can teleport if player has condition": false
    "Can teleport if mounted": {
      "Can teleport if target player has condition": false,
      "Can teleport if player has condition": false
    "Can teleport if building blocked": {
      "Can teleport if target position has condition": false,
      "Can teleport if target player has condition": false,
      "Can teleport if player has condition": false
    "Can teleport if raid blocked": {
      "Can teleport if target player has condition": false,
      "Can teleport if player has condition": false
    "Can teleport if on cargo ship": {
      "Can teleport if target player has condition": false,
      "Can teleport if player has condition": false
    "Can teleport if on hot air balloon": {
      "Can teleport if target player has condition": false,
      "Can teleport if player has condition": false
    "Can teleport if near oil rig": {
      "Can teleport if target position has condition": false,
      "Can teleport if target player has condition": false,
      "Can teleport if player has condition": false
    "Can teleport if in underwater labs": {
      "Can teleport if target position has condition": false,
      "Can teleport if target player has condition": false,
      "Can teleport if player has condition": false
    "Can teleport if in water": {
      "Can teleport if target player has condition": false,
      "Can teleport if player has condition": false
    "Can teleport if in notp zone": {
      "Can teleport if target player has condition": false,
      "Can teleport if player has condition": false
    "Can teleport if in safe zone": {
      "Can teleport if target player has condition": false,
      "Can teleport if player has condition": false
    "Can teleport if in monument": {
      "Can teleport if target position has condition": false,
      "Can teleport if target player has condition": false,
      "Can teleport if player has condition": false
  "Purge user data after x amount of days of no activity": 7,
  "Admin options": {
    "Don't notify user's when a admin teleports to them": false,
    "Allow instant teleportation for admins": false
  "UI options": {
    "Hide admins from player search list": false,
    "Hide warp points if the player doesn't have permission": false,
    "UI Colors": {
      "Background": {
        "Hex": "151515",
        "Alpha": 0.94
      "Panel": {
        "Hex": "FFFFFF",
        "Alpha": 0.165
      "Header": {
        "Hex": "C4FF00",
        "Alpha": 0.314
      "Button": {
        "Hex": "2A2E32",
        "Alpha": 1.0
      "Close": {
        "Hex": "CE422B",
        "Alpha": 1.0
      "Highlight": {
        "Hex": "C4FF00",
        "Alpha": 1.0
  "Version": {
    "Major": 2,
    "Minor": 0,
    "Patch": 3

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