- это сообщество, где вы можете найти множество отличных плагинов, завести новых друзей, участвовать в обсуждениях и многое другое. Зарегистрируйтесь бесплатно прямо сейчас!
"Egg spawn chance for Locked Crates (0 to 100)": 0.04,
"Egg spawn chance for Elite Crates": 0.04,
"Egg spawn chance for Military Crates": 0.02,
"Egg spawn chance for Normal Crates": 0.01,
"Marker Settings": {
"Show map marker when the egg is in a box": true,
"Show map marker when the egg is on a player": true,
"Player marker refresh time (seconds)": 25,
"Box marker refresh time (seconds)": 60,
"Initial marker delay when the egg is found": 60,
"Marker Radius": 0.7,
"Marker Transparency": 0.5,
"Marker Color (hex)": "#fa030a",
"Marker Border Color (hex)": "#000000",
"Add a Vending marker": false,
"Vending Marker Name": "The Golden Egg"
"Resource Settings": {
"Resource Spawn Time (seconds)": 3600,
"Scrap Spawn Amount (0 to disable)": 50,
"HQM Spawn Amount": 25,
"Low Grade Spawn Amount": 100,
"Metal Frags Spawn Amount": 1000,
"Allow Sulfur Ore": false,
"Sulfur Ore Spawn Amount": 800,
"Allow Cooked Sulfur": false,
"Cooked Sulfur Spawn Amount": 500,
"Custom Item 1 (use item shortname, eg ammo.rifle, gears, green.berry)": "",
"Custom Item 1 Amount": 1,
"Custom Item 1 Spawn Time (seconds)": 7200,
"Custom Item 2": "",
"Custom Item 2 Amount": 1,
"Custom Item 2 Spawn Time (seconds)": 7200,
"Custom Item 3": "",
"Custom Item 3 Amount": 1,
"Custom Item 3 Spawn Time (seconds)": 7200
"Item Customisation": {
"Item Name": "The Golden Egg",
"Item Skin ID": 0,
"Item Found Image in Game (use an image 1000x400)": "",
"Chat command": "egg",
"Item Found Image for the Discord Webhook": "",
"Item Lost Image for the Discord Webhook": ""
"Roam Settings": {
"Increase health whilst holding the egg": true,
"Total health": 150,
"Increase ore/wood gather rate whilst holding the egg": true,
"Gather multipler": 2.0,
"Increase pickup amount whilst holding the egg (hemp/food etc)": true,
"Pickup multipler": 2.0,
"Don't allow roam bonus while server pop is below (leave at 0 to disable)": 0,
"Don't allow roam bonus between certain hours": false,
"Start of time period": "1AM",
"End of time period": "6AM",
"Broadcast a chat message when someone starts roaming": true
"Event Settings": {
"Run the chinook event": false,
"Number of crates to drop": 2,
"Crate unlock time": 300,
"Maximum additional items to add to the crate(s)": 15,
"Run the event once, between a certain time": false,
"Start of time period": "7PM",
"End of time period": "10PM",
"Run the event on repeat": false,
"Minimum time between events (seconds)": 3600.0,
"Maximum time between events (seconds)": 7200.0,
"Don't run the event if server pop is below (leave at 0 to disable)": 0,
"Show map marker": true,
"Marker Radius": 0.5,
"Marker Transparency": 0.4,
"Marker Color (hex)": "#ecf97f",
"Marker Border Color (hex)": "#000000"
"Let players with permission pinpoint the egg on screen (use /egg find)": false,
"Send a webhook when the egg is found/destroyed": "",
"Don't add time while the player is in a safe zone": true,
"Don't add time while the egg is in a stash": true,
"Don't add time while the egg is in a building": false,
"Don't add time while server pop is below (leave at 0 to disable)": 0,
"Don't add time between certain hours": false,
"Start of time period": "1AM",
"End of time period": "6AM",
"Destroy the egg if in a safe zone for longer than (seconds, leave at 0 to disable)": 0.0,
"Destroy the egg if in a building blocked zone for longer than (seconds, leave at 0 to disable)": 0.0,
"Destroy the egg if in a Raidable Base zone for longer than (seconds, leave at 0 to disable)": 0.0,
"Name of permission group to grant with /egg winner (requires Timed Permissions plugin)": "",
"Duration to grant access to group (requires Timed Permissions plugin). Format: 1d12h30m": "28d",
"Destroy the egg after x minutes (leave at 0 to disable)": 0,
"Block player from cracking open the egg while being raided": true,
"Raid block timer": 300,
"Data save interval": 300,
"Clear data on map wipe": true,
"Use custom item list when cracking open the egg": false,
"Custom item list (use item shortname, eg rifle.m39, explosive.timed, etc": [
"Blacklist commands whilst holding the egg": false,
"Blacklisted commands": [
"TruePVE Only": {
"Enable damage to players and bases if they have the egg": false,
"Max distance between players for damage to register": 100.0